Sending Emails to Suppliers from GSTZen

Sending emails to suppliers is now possible from GSTZen. Reconcile your books and GSTR 2A/2B and send email for unmatched invoices in your books.

Step 1 : Reconcile your Purchase Invoices and GSTR 2A  0r GSTR 2B and download the Reconciliation Report

Step 2 : In the GSTR-2 Invoice Reconciliation Sheet, choose Email Supplier as the Reco. Action for the invoice regarding which you want to email the supplier.

Note : Email can only be sent for the invoices which are present Only in Books

Choosing the option email supplier

Step 3 : Save the excel file and upload the information to GSTZen

Uploading the information to GSTZen

Step 4 : Go the Advance Reconciliation Section in the Reconciliation Page.

Advanced Reconciliation

Step 5 : Check if email id is available for the supplier GSTIN, if it is not available, Click on Upload Email Address

Email id available

Email id not available

Step 6 : In the Customers and Suppliers Master, search the GSTIN and click on Edit

Add email id

Step 7 : Add the email id for the Supplier and save. You may choose to enter the internal email id as well.

Note : Internal Email id is for a person from your organization and not that of the supplier. 

Add email id

Step 8 : Add the email id for your GSTIN as well.

Step 9 : You may choose to send a test email by clicking on Send Sample Email. The email will go to the internal email id of the supplier GSTIN and the email id for your GSTIN.

When you send an actual email by clicking on Send Email, the email will go the the main and internal email id for the supplier GSTIN and the main email id for your GSTIN.

Sending emails to suppliers