Offline Upload for ANX-2

To upload the generated JSON file from the Offline Tool, on the GST Portal:

1) Click the Choose File button.

2) Browse and navigate the JSON file to be uploaded from your computer. Click the Open button.

3) A green message appears confirming successful upload and asking you to wait while the GST Portal validates the uploaded data.

4) Click PROCEED TO ANX-2 to take actions in GST ANX-2.

Offline Download for ANX-2

To download the JSON file from the GST Portal:

1) Click the GENERATE JSON FILE TO DOWNLOAD button to download the details of all tables in one go. Or else, select the specific table from the drop-down list and Uploaded From and Uploaded Till date range to download the specific details uploaded during the selected period.

2) A confirmation message is displayed and JSON file is downloaded.

3) The JSON file is downloaded under Downloads folder. You can use the Offline tool to import the downloaded JSON file.

  1. You can also click PROCEED TO ANX-2 to take actions in GST ANX-2.